At HealthNBeautyCare, one of our goals is to give you in-depth, unbiased information about wellness and beauty products that can help you feel your best. By utilizing our extensive network of experts to recommend the top items available—many of which we test and review ourselves—we do the hard work. The aim? to give you as much information as we can about each product so you can decide if it would be a good fit for your requirements and price range.
We might get affiliate commissions if you click on links in our content and make a purchase. But we never get paid for the information in our product recommendations, which means they are entirely editorial. We occasionally receive products from beauty brands and PR agencies, but our opinion is always our own.
Our Process
We make it a priority to test products in real-life situations, from hot summer days (will that long-wear lipstick come off when you eat lunch?) to workout classes (do those workout leggings really stay up while you squat?). This is because we believe in using the products we recommend exactly as you would. We evaluate products both in The Lab, our full-service New York City testing facility, where we can compare them side by side, as well as by sending them directly to our writers and editors for them to test at home.
We carefully research the market before recommending any product to our team of writers and editors. We also interview certified trainers, physical therapists, board-certified physicians, dermatologists and registered dietitians in order to gain guidance on what products are worth purchasing and how they should be evaluated.

In The Lab, we examine a wide range of items, including everything from hair tools to makeup. To compare products to one another, we evaluate them both separately and side by side. We also make sure to be imaginative. For instance, when evaluating flat irons in The Lab, we dropped them into the floor to see how durable they were. We also used a meat thermometer to make sure each one achieved the proper maximum temperature and a timer to accurately clock each one’s auto-shutoff feature.
Our editors take detailed notes while our photographers and videographers capture it all so you can have a complete understanding of the products. In short, our testing is hands-on – this allows us to provide feedback that includes what your specific needs are.
Another crucial step in our approach is conducting product testing at home. We can evaluate items in a more intimate situation and see how each one stands up over time thanks to this real-world testing. Our at-home reviewers check in on products over the course of months and years to gauge how durable they actually are. We develop testing techniques for our at-home testing, and we evaluate goods on a range of criteria intended to reflect how our readers would actually use them. This is similar to how we test in The Lab.

Our editor evaluated drugstore eyeliners by testing how well they performed in a standardized way. Every liner was rated on five dimensions: pigment, dry time, staying power, ease of removal, and two methods for removing it (micellar water and cleansing balm). She noted how many coats were needed to achieve an opaque look with each one and recorded the length of time that it took to dry without smudging. Additionally, she tested two methods of removal before judging them based on their ability to remove the eyeliner from the skin easily.
If one of our stories has the HealthNBeautyCare Verified badge of approval, it means that our crew has investigated and tested each product on this list, either at home or in The Lab, to provide you with information you won’t find anywhere else. The HealthNBeautyCare Verified mark, in short, signifies product suggestions you can rely on, 24 hours a day.
We believe that offering a wide variety of items will better serve our varied customer base. We will keep broadening the scope of our recommendations in order to include people of various ages, body shapes, skin tones, skills, and household incomes in our shopping guides because we want you to recognize yourself and your needs satisfied in them. Along with hiring a diverse team of journalists, staff members, and experts, we are dedicated to covering businesses and services that are BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color) owned. This commitment extends beyond simply writing about the identities these people represent. To read our whole commitment to diversity and anti-racism, click here.
How We Make Money
Some, but not all, of the products we recommend earn us an affiliate commission; however, this only happens if you choose to click through to the retailer’s website and make a purchase. Only reputable merchants with a solid track record of dependability and service are recommended by us.
How We Find Deals
It can be challenging to discern the actual deal in today’s environment. Because of this, we search the internet for the best deals to share with you and notify you when some of your favorite brands have their annual sales. On Black Friday, Cyber Monday, and Prime Day, we are always working to make sure you know what to buy.
From punching bags and weight benches to running shoes, yoga trousers, and more, we keep an eye on market trends to provide you the greatest, most modern selections. We are the place to come for the newest and best items to keep you entertained, active, and healthy.
Why Trust HealthNBeautyCare

HealthNBeautyCarea’s product suggestions are entirely editorial. Although we occasionally receive products for free to test and review, most of the items we evaluate are our own purchases. While some of the goods we recommend pay us affiliate commissions, we never allow salespeople, public relations companies, or retailers to control our content or how we cover their products.
Before we test products, we read the most recent studies on product safety and speak with specialists (such as physicians, certified trainers, licensed therapists, registered dietitians, and more) to get their advice on best practices, frequently asked questions, and the key characteristics to look for in a particular product. Our authors and editors are each subject-matter authorities. We have a certified running coach who creates our testing procedures for running shoes, a senior editor who is a certified personal trainer, a stable of registered dietitians who write our nutrition and supplement content, and a registered dietitian who oversees and publishes it all.
We are committed to making sure that the diversity of our audience is reflected in our content. In order to do this, we always make it a point to investigate businesses and goods created by individuals who identify as BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color) and other minority groups. Read our complete anti-racism commitment for additional details.
Before being published, each article is fact-checked for accuracy and reviewed by a member of the HealthNBeautyCareReview Board. To ascertain whether a certain product—particularly a meal, supplement, or medical device—is suitable for you, you should however speak with your healthcare team. Learn more about our editing procedure and our guiding principles.
We don’t simply disregard a story once it has been published. Our crew never stops updating and making sure that our advice is current, correct, and beneficial. We are also aware of the aggravation that might result from doing research on a product, adding it to your cart, just to discover that it is sold out. In an effort to lessen this, we have devoted editors verify availability every day in order to give you the best user experience possible.
Safety and Recalls
All items, including those we review and suggest, may be subject to recalls or changed usage instructions because the parenting and family market is constantly evolving. We strongly advise you to keep an eye out for any Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) notifications regarding products you buy. Additionally, we advise you to register your purchases with the seller so you can be informed if a recall is announced.
Contact Us
Please email us at [email protected] if you would like to share any thoughts, questions, or comments with our team of editors.